Thank you for your interest in BAX-3000!

The day of your appointment:

Our testing is performed on a strict time schedule, so please be on time. The following reminders will help make your visit go more smoothly.

  • Do not take any supplements or unnecessary medications for four hours before your appointment.
  • Please drink a lot of water for 24 hours before your visit. We will need you to be well hydrated.
  • Do not wear pantyhose or clothes with very tight sleeves, as they will interfere with the testing procedures.
  • Do not wear any jewelry. You may wear your wedding ring.
  • Please do not take any aspirin or pain medication for 12 hours before being tested, if possible.
  • Do not consume alcohol for 12 hours before your appointment.Please do not wear perfume, strong smelling deodorant, fragrances, essential oils, hand lotion, aftershave or cologne on the day of your visit. (before or after).
  • Please schedule appointment so that you are not being tested during the first three days of you menstrual cycle.
  • If you need to reschedule your appointment, please do so no later than noon two (2) business days prior to your appointment to avoid a cancellation fee.
  • We may be performing several tests during your visit. You will be filling out an extensive questionnaire and speaking with the doctor. Expect to be here at least one hour.
  • At the end of your visit you may be given some instructions and a list of foods to avoid for 24 hours.
  • Please eat before your appointment. You may be asked to avoid food for a short time after your visit or to eat very little. Do not come to the office hungry.

If you receive a treatment on the first visit:

  • You may not shop for eight hours after the visit. So please shop in advance of your visit.
  • You may not go to a restaurant for eight hours. (for any reason)
  • You may not visit a hair salon, barber shop, or nail salon for twelve hours after being treated.
  • You must avoid all chemicals for twelve hours, so please refuel your automobile before your visit.
  • You may not bathe or shower for eight hours after treatment, so please shower before your visit.
  • Do not chew gum, use breath mints, drink anything except water or eat anything  after arriving for your visit.
  • Not permitted for twelve hours after treatment: Massage, Acupuncture, Vigorous Exercise, Hot Tub, Sauna, Steam Room or Swimming.
  • You may not consume alcohol for twelve hours after treatment.
  • Do not eat a large meal after treatment.
  • You may be given a list of additional things to avoid for twenty four hours after treatment.

The restrictions above are designed for the worst case scenario.

We have designed these suggestions based on years of practical experience. You may be able to break some or all of the rules and do just fine, or you may bend one rule and have to repeat the visit. You will have the best chance for success if you follow all the suggestions. The restrictions are to be followed for 24 hours, a small price to pay for a long term benefit.